Ya know… The kind of online & IRL industry presence that *CANNOT* be duplicated OR dismissed.

Taking you from *just another creative entrepreneur* with 7894 thousand passions & projects (in a saturated market), to THE only one they book & pay AND pay attention to.

YEP. That’s how you’ll become KNOWN inside of Freedom Creator.

👋🏼 Peeps glazing over when you try to answer “what do you do?” cuz you don’t know how to communicate the VALUE of your unique multi-hyphenate magic (so you give up, deflect, end up only discussing THEM and leave the convo feeling totally deflated).

👋🏼 That tiny handful of bookings, dribble of profits, and only signing the *occasional* client (usually through a friend), all the while feeling like you work SO HARD just to hit a couple grand a month. 

👋🏼 DMs asking for a discount… and you relenting and actually saying YES to their request, making you want to poke your eyeballs out? THING OF THE PAST BB!

👋🏼 Feeling overwhelmed, invisible, anxious and unclear what your audience needs to hear to move them into action? Bc SAME, been there, NEVER doing THAT again, crafted a better way just for you instead.

In true Freedom Creator fashion, we’re saying BYEEE 👋🏼 to:

YOU'VE DECIDED: you no longer have time to play small with your dreams, undercharge, and not celebrate the f*k out of your unique services & skills (and get paid HANDSOMELY for ‘em)

YOU'VE DECIDED: to become someone who no longer settles for a time-sucking day job, or the uninspiring contract work that pays the bills but that you’ve toottalllyyyy outgrown, even though it’s “safe” (is it, though?? Or is it totally destroying your growth 👀👀)

All of the above? We don't know her.

It’s time to step into your indie spunk *authentic visibility* era and say helloooo to your own uncopyable PLATFORM that magnetizes opportunities to you AND *pays you to create.*

This Actor & Filmmaker made some simple yet POWERFUL adjustments to how she was showing up online, using my Spunky Content Systems, and the enquiries in her DMs have not stopped.

This writer was able to finally quit her 3 survival jobs and go ALL IN on her writing career by selling out a year-long program we developed using my Transformational Offer Framework & Sales Strategies I teach you inside Freedom Creator. A year later? She sold her SECOND screenplay.

This actor/filmmaker with a fitness business had a bad experience with a prior coach, and was about to give up on scaling her business for good… until she came to me.

Creative bookings, podcast invitations, clients who WANT to pay you & an aligned community, ALL through your Authentic Visibility, Strategic Positioning & Magnetic AF Messaging.

It’s time for your biz & brand to be so EFFECTIVE at drawing in dreamy opportunities to YOU.

Izzy has been featured in:

🪩 Here, you become someone who knows how to strategically move FIRST, before you have achieved *the thing* or have any evidence it will work.

  • You become someone who attracts opportunities to YOU, with an incredible hyper-referrable industry reputation that gets you booked-up with the kind of work you’re *so ready for*.

You know how every time you refresh your emails in the bathroom at your survival job, hoping an offer has come your way and someone has spotted your genius, but instead it’s total crickets-ville and leads you to feel even further away from your dream of being known & booked for your soul-aligned work? 

Yeah, not anymore.

Whether you’re ready to magnetize your next big creative opportunity & up-level your bookings,

OR you’re growing a freedom-focused business alongside your creative career…

Freedom Creator was built to help make it HAPPEN.

Trust me when I say we’ve perfected the process, done what most simply can’t and, well… It's time to share the step-by-step process with YOU.

The  Freedom  Creator  way.


🪩 Here, you will learn how to create on-FIRE messaging, create drool-worthy content that speaks directly to your dreamy humans, and *nail* the angles of an authentic self-pitch to draw in:

  • Bigger opportunities, higher-caliber clients, podcast interviews, collaborations, partnerships and industry connections that turn into life-long friends.

After nailing this? When you learn how to teach people how to know you, hire you, see your unique genius and say YES to you?

Your entire f*ing world is about to change, with your community truly valuing your unique multi-hyphenate MOVEMENT, saying “omg I LOVE how you share about your work, how are you doing this???” and “I would LOVE to work with you”. 


🪩 Here, you never again wonder if you’re the “kind of person” with “enough experience & credibility” to build a multi 6-figure business doing EXACTLY what you love. 

  • Second-guessing your worth and your gut-instinct is a thing of the past, you simply ARE someone who moves with 1000% self TRUST, a rock-solid confidence mindset, and are fully stepped into your own multi-hyphenate magic while unapologetically sharing it with the world. 

I refuse to let you be someone who discounts their services, plays small with their biz & brand presence out of fear, doesn’t leverage their tiny wins into big wins, and can’t communicate their value unapologetically to attract the massive growth you know deep-down you’re ready for.


🪩 Here, you’ll learn to trust yourself MORE while you take simple, effective, POTENT actions to:

  • Scale your visibility
  • Raise your rates, and
  • Clarify your offers so they DON’T suck the life, time & soul right out of you & are DROOL-WORTHY to the dreamy humans you love & want to work with!

Ever wonder how I’ve built a 6-figure mentorship business that makes an incredible impact on my community and pays me to create, WHILE giving me time & moolah to direct films, act in features, travel the world and enjoy chill time with family?

Yeah it’s because of THIS.


🪩 Here, you become someone who knows how to strategically move FIRST, before you have achieved *the thing* or have any evidence it will work.

  • You become someone who attracts opportunities to YOU, with an incredible hyper-referrable industry reputation that gets you booked-up with the kind of work you’re *so ready for*.

You know how every time you refresh your emails in the bathroom at your survival job, hoping an offer has come your way and someone has spotted your genius, but instead it’s total crickets-ville and leads you to feel even further away from your dream of being known & booked for your soul-aligned work? 

Yeah, not anymore.

🪩 Here, you will learn how to create on-FIRE messaging, create drool-worthy content that speaks directly to your dreamy humans, and *nail* the angles of an authentic self-pitch to draw in:

  • Bigger opportunities, higher-caliber clients, podcast interviews, collaborations, partnerships and industry connections that turn into life-long friends.

After nailing this? When you learn how to teach people how to know you, hire you, see your unique genius and say YES to you?

Your entire f*ing world is about to change, with your community truly valuing your unique multi-hyphenate MOVEMENT, saying “omg I LOVE how you share about your work, how are you doing this???” and “I would LOVE to work with you”. 

🪩 Here, you never again wonder if you’re the “kind of person” with “enough experience & credibility” to build a multi 6-figure business doing EXACTLY what you love. 

  • Second-guessing your worth and your gut-instinct is a thing of the past, you simply ARE someone who moves with 1000% self TRUST, a rock-solid confidence mindset, and are fully stepped into your own multi-hyphenate magic while unapologetically sharing it with the world. 

I refuse to let you be someone who discounts their services, plays small with their biz & brand presence out of fear, doesn’t leverage their tiny wins into big wins, and can’t communicate their value unapologetically to attract the massive growth you know deep-down you’re ready for.

🪩 Here, you’ll learn to trust yourself MORE while you take simple, effective, POTENT actions to:

  • Scale your visibility
  • Raise your rates, and
  • Clarify your offers so they DON’T suck the life, time & soul right out of you & are DROOL-WORTHY to the dreamy humans you love & want to work with!

Ever wonder how I’ve built a 6-figure mentorship business that makes an incredible impact on my community and pays me to create, WHILE giving me time & moolah to direct films, act in features, travel the world and enjoy chill time with family?

Yeah it’s because of THIS.

We don’t play *small* games here. We play multi-6 figure, Rebel-With-A-Cause, unapologetic success on OUR terms, creative FREEDOM kind of games.

Ya see… I’ve helped over 50 films go from script to screen, mentored many of those now award-winning actor/filmmakers to build their own magnetic online brands that leverage their momentum and magnetize visibility & creative opportunities, and coached over than 20 entrepreneurs in corporate//day job hell, to grow a spacious, profitable *simple* and effective business that pays them to create.

I’m not here to waste ANYONE'S time. I know exactly what you need and exactly what you do NOT.

This is the ONLY program that shows you how to master building a MOVEMENT out of your creative & entrepreneurial goals, giving you both energetic and mindset upgrades alongside potent, actionable *simple* STRATEGY to organically grow your bookings AND your bank account. 

Exactly what to expect inside Freedom Creator (aka your next move to getting paid to create):

"Is Izzy reading my mind?!"

At this point you might be thinking…

Well.. Yes and No.

Before we even START, you’ll take a deep dive into cold hard CLARITY with the Freedom Creator Pre-Werk. THINK: 30 questions to dissolve any confusion as to who you are, what mskes your brand UNIQUE, what you’re capable of and where TF you are going. 

Then, we’re serving up Messaging & Content Creation, Authentic Marketing, Delicious Sales, Moolah Mindset, MAGNETIC Brand Amplification Strategies, Offer Clarity, and Simple Biz Systems to SCALE on a silver-freaking platter.

We’re talking 7 *potent* modules with quick-hit style trainings that keep it SIMPLE to take action (no sitting in front of 90 minute training after 120 minute training wanting to poke your eyeballs out and never taking ACTION). Here? Action is the POINT.

And NOPE — This is NOT where I give you one cookie-cutter blueprint to follow (*snooze fest*) cuz guess what, your biz & brand is NAHT a one-size-fits-all.

It’s as unique as you are, and it’s time you get yourself into a program with a mentor that knows how to leverage it, so you can too.

Which is exactly why, accompanying the trainings? Are weekly calls with ME where we fully personalize the trainings to serve your OWN goals & vision.

You'll learn how to hand deliver your OWN unique brand of multi-hyphenate magic in a simple, efficient, drool-worthy way. And if you’re selling services? Prepare to make bank BB.

First we SIMPLIFY. Then we AMPLIFY. 

  • Get *Known* & BOOKED: Wave goodbye to industry ambiguity and never look back.

  • Scale Your Biz: Get on a first-name basis with authentic values-based selling and all its perks, like selling out your offer using IG stories while you’re out of office sipping a dirty martini with that producer you want to work with.

  • Up-Level Your Confidence Mindset: Become a master at overcoming your perceived limitations, fear & overwhelm and watch as you turn super-human. Where others might get stuck in research & plan mode, you take fast ACTION with 1000% self-trust.

Too good to be true? Not in my world.

Inside Freedom Creator, you’re about to:

Heyyyyy it's ya girl, Izzy.

I’ve built a thriving 6-figure mentorship business WHILE directing & producing films, working on set as an actor in film & TV (yes that was me on Netflix), and a big fun life of travel and time spent with family & great humans I love.

But let me tell ya, when my biz started 4 years ago? This was NAHT the case. I followed alllll the “expert” advice on building a biz...

But you know what?

It didn’t serve me.

Cuz I realized, albeit brilliant, not ONE of my mentors were *also* creatives juggling projects. I burnt myself out on their advice.

I needed my biz to be so00OoOo000 much simpler than spending 500 hours in front of my computer every freaking week til my eyeballs bled.
So I burnt that sh* to the ground and built myself a FREEDOM-FIRST biz that actually *served* my creative ambitions.

Now? I am about to go into production on a Feature Film I was directly invited to play the lead in (no audition needed), and am currently in development on my own feature film to direct next year, all WHILE serving my dream clients & bringing in the kind of revenue that allows me to live a full & spacious life.

This was NOT my reality 3 years ago. But I cracked the code. It's all about how you show up, how you serve the f*k out of your audience, and how you move FIRST. The Freedom Creator WAY.

The vibe?

You’ve made it this far, so here’s what I know about you…

Heyyyyy it's ya girl, Izzy.

I’ve built a thriving 6-figure mentorship business WHILE directing & producing films, working on set as an actor in film & TV (yes that was me on Netflix), and a big fun life of travel and time spent with family & great humans I love.

But let me tell ya, when my biz started 4 years ago? This was NAHT the case. I followed alllll the “expert” advice on building a biz...

But you know what? It didn’t serve me.

Cuz I realized, albeit brilliant, not ONE of my mentors were *also* creatives juggling projects. I burnt myself out on their advice.

I needed my biz to be so00OoOo000 much simpler than spending 500 hours in front of my computer every freaking week til my eyeballs bled.
So I burnt that sh* to the ground and built myself a FREEDOM-FIRST biz that actually *served* my creative ambitions.

Now? I am about to go into production on a Feature Film I was directly invited to play the lead in (no audition needed), and am currently in development on my own feature film to direct next year, all WHILE serving my dream clients & bringing in the kind of revenue that allows me to live a full & spacious life.

This was NOT my reality a few years ago. But I cracked the code. It's all about how you show up, how you serve the f*k out of your audience, and how you move FIRST.

The Freedom Creator WAY.

You’re ready to own your professional goals, move through discomfort, do powerful mindset-shifting work, take SIMPLE, effective, potent actions to scale your visibility, profitability, business and industry reputation, and make a REAL impact in your community. You’re so READY to build a brand and a biz you LOVE, that pays you to create, on your very own terms. You’re DONE playing small. This is it. It’s now or never.

And you’re MF*ing READY.

You’re ready to own your professional goals, move through discomfort, do powerful mindset-shifting work, take SIMPLE, effective, potent actions to scale your visibility, profitability, business and industry reputation, and make a REAL impact in your community.

You’re so READY to build a brand and a biz you LOVE, that pays you to create, on your very own terms. You’re DONE playing small. This is it. It’s now or never.

And you’re MF*ing READY.

1:1 Kick-Off Strategy Call w Izzy:
WEEKLY Hot Seat Coaching CallS:

Only the best for my indie spunks...

7-Module FC Curriculum:
My clients tend to work with me for *years* because I KNOW them, their goals, & desires, on a deep level, and I help them achieve RESULTS. At the start of our Freedom Creator journey, I get to know YOU, so we can implement a unique strategy plan and make this up-level moment COUNT, cuz you deserve the best.
Distilling everything I learnt building my own multi-6 figure business WHILE making films into potent, actionable quick-hit trainings, cuz we’re alllll about over-delivering.




Overflowing with answers to your burning questions, accountability, feedback and empowering (+ tough love) support, cuz you don’t need another empty “you got this girl” pep-talk, you need cold hard REAL TALK so you can dissolve distractions and take potent ACTION. I gotchu.
Access to the DREAMIEST Community:


How do I even distill the potency of this incredible community? Meet your next biz bestie, learn from & mastermind with some of the best humans ever and be fully supported by creatives who are cheering you on and in it WITH you. You’ll know what I mean when you join… there is no community like indie spunk.

It's time. Let's go big. You're ready.